This year's reading group is on zeros of Gaussian analytic functions (GAF). The first part will deal with Gaussian holomorphic functions on the complex domains, in which case the zero sets are point processes. The second part deals with Gaussian real analytic functions, mainly from the plane. In this case the zero sets are given by closed curves.
The current plan is as follows.
27/09: In the seminar, Vincent (Beffara) intoduces the nodal lines. Those who missed it can have a look here:
28/09: Juhan gives an overview of the reading group (first part).
05/10: Angelo discusses the basics of GAFs.
12/10: Yilin computes the density function of the first intensity measure using the Green formula and proves ergodicity of the zero set.
19/10: No session, as many participants are in a german forest.
26/10: François introduces the joint intensities and computes some local asymptotics.
02/11: Titus discusses the hyperbolic GAF and its determinantal structure.
09/11: Ellen starts digging into the gravitational allocation, and makes some connections with optimal transport.
16/11: Maximilian proves an upper bound for the diameter of the cells in gravitational allocation.
23/11: Special guest!! Nina Holden presents her work on gravitational allocation for uniform points on the sphere.
30/11: Alberto presents rigidity properties of the zeroes of the GAF.
...later sessions are still to be determined.