Spring Semester 2018, D-MATH
Wednesday 10-12 HG.E.21
Friday 11-12 HG.E.21
Lecture Notes
(These notes will be continuously upadated during the course)
Diary of the Lectures
Presentation of the course. Examples of PDEs.
Classifications of PDEs.
§ 1.1, § 1.2.1, § 1.2.2 of Lecture Notes. For curiosity:
Navier-Stokes Equations
Minimal Surface Equation
02.03.2018 (2 hours)
Well-posed problems. Examples of ill-posed problems. Hadamard Counterexample.
First order linear equations with constant coefficients: solution of homogeneous and non-homogeneous Transport Equation
§ 1.2.3 and § 2.1 of Lecture Notes.
Method of characteristics in the case of quasilinear first order PDEs. Definition of integral surface.
Geometric characterization of an integral surface in terms of the characteristic direction. Proof of Proposition 2.2.1. and
proof of Theorem 2.2.1.
Statement of Theorem 2.2.2 about local existence and uniqueness of a smooth solution under the transversality condition.
§ 2.2.2 and § 2.2.3 of Lecture Notes.
It can be useful:
Recall of some properties of ODES.
For a review of some concepts of analysis 2
(inverse function theorem, implicit function theorem, definition of
a surface in R3, tangent space to a surface..) I suggest to look at
the lecture notes by Prof. M. Struwe.
Proof of Theorem 2.2.2
§ 2.2.3 of Lecture Notes
Discussion of Examples 2.3.1 (example of
blow-up of the solution), 2.3.3 (example of what may happen if the transversality condition is
not satisfied), 2.4.1 (Burger's equation).
§ 2.3 of Lecture Notes and § 3.2 of Evans's book.
It can be useful for knowledge:
Further reading of method of characteristics.
16.03.2018 (2 hours)
Derivation of characteristic ODEs in the general case.
§ 2.4 of Lecture Notes.
It can be useful for knowledge:
Geometric interpretation of the characteristics in the general case
(Monge Cone). See also the book by Courant, Hilbert.
Local Existence: the General case. Compatibility conditions. Proof of Lemma 2.4.1 and Lemma 2.4.2.
Applications. Example 2.3.4.
§ 2.4 of Lecture Notes. 23.03.2018 (2 hours)
to Hamilton Jacobi Equations. Link between HJ equations and calculus variations problems. Legendre Transform.
Value function and Hopf-Lax Formula. Proof of Theorem 2.5.
§ 2.5 of Lecture Notes and § 3.3 Evans book.
It can be useful for knowledge: for link between Hopf-Lax Formula and solution
given by method of characteristic, look for instance the book by Cannarsa and Sinestrari.
Proof of Theorem 2.5.3 (the Hopf-Lax formula is an a.e. solution of the HJ equation). A counter-example to the
smoothness of the value function and to the uniqueness. Introduction to the Laplace equation.
Invariance properties of the
Laplace operator. Link between holomorphic functions and harmonic functions.
§ 2.5 of Lecture Notes and § 3.3 Evans book. 30.03.2018
Holidays between 30.04.2018 and 7.04.2018
Frohe Ostern!
Fundamental solution of the Laplace equation and its meaning. Proof of Theorem 3.2.1 about the solution
of the Poisson equation in Rn.
§ 3.2 of Lecture Notes.
For a repetition of divergence theorem and the conversion of a n-integral into integrals over spheres see e.g.
Appendix C.2 of Evans 's book. 27.04.2018
Definition of sub- and super-harmonic functions. Proof of Theorem 3.3.1 about Weak Maximum Principle. Consequences
of Weak Maximum Principle: Proof of Corollaries
3.3.1,3.3.2,3.3.3,3.3.4. Non validity of Maximum Principle in unbounded domains (Remark 3.3.1).
Mean Value Formulas.
§ 3.3 and § 3.4 of Lecture Notes. It can be useful: :
Exercise 3.3.2
Proof of Theorems 3.4.1,3.4.2,3.4.3. Properties of Harmonic Functions. Proof of Theorem 3.4.3 (Strong Maximum Principle).
Regularity of harmonic functions.
§ 3.4 of Lecture Notes. It can be useful: :
Exercise 3.4.3 (1-5).
Proof of Theorems 3.4.5 (Koebe Theorem), 3.4.6 (Liouville Theorem). Proof of Theorems 3.4.7, 3.4.8, 3.4.8
§ 3.4 of Lecture Notes.
9 & 11.05.2018
Proof of Theorem 3.4.9.
Analyticity of harmonic functions. Proof of Theorem 3.4.10. Theorem 3.4.11 (Harnack Inequality-no proof).
Green Functions. Proof of Theorem 3.5.1. Representation formula using Green Function (Proof of Theorem 3.5.2).
§ 3.4 and § 3.5 of Lecture Notes. It can be useful as exercise: :
Proof of Harnack Convergence Theorem (Exercise 3.4.3 (part 6)).
16 & 18.05.2018
function for a ball. Green function for a half space. Properties of
the Green function. Introduction of Perron's Method.
§ 3.5 and &3.6 (until Corollary 3.6.1) of Lecture Notes.
23 & 25.05.2018
Description of Perron 's Method. Harmonic Lifting. Barrier Function. Proof of Prop 3.6.3, Theorem 3.6.1,
Prop. 3.6.5, Theorem 3.6.2, Lemma 7.1
§ 3.6 and &3.7 of Lecture Notes. It can be useful as exercise: :
Proof of Corollary 3.6.2.
30.05 & 01.06.2018
Poisson's equation: classical solutions. Energy methods.
§ 3.7 and &3.8 of Lecture Notes.
Recommended Bibliography