- Lecturers
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwab
- Dr. Maksim Rakhuba
- Coordinator
- Fernando Henriquez
- First Meeting on Thursday 22/02/18 at 15:15 in HG D 1.1
The Seminar will address recently developed,
tensor-formatted numerical methods for the numerical solution of high-dimensional PDEs,
Data-Compression, and of high-dimensional Dynamical Systems.
- Completed BSc exams in MATH or RW/CSE.
To earn seminar credits the student must:
- Prepare a 45 min presentation of the selected topic (Date and Time TBD).
- Prepare a written report ("Ausarbeitung") in Latex.
Vladimir Kazeev, Ivan Oseledets, Maxim Rakhuba and Christoph Schwab.
QTT-finite-element approximation for multiscale problems I: model problems in one dimension.
Adv. Comput. Math. 43 (2017), no. 2, 411–442.
Sergey Dolgov and Dmitry Savostyanov.
Alternating minimal energy methods for linear systems in higher dimensions.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 36.5 (2014), A2248-A2271.
arXiv Report.
Maxim Rakhuba and Ivan Oseledets.
Grid-based electronic structure calculations: the tensor decomposition approach.
J. Comput. Phys. 312 (2016), 19–30.
arXiv Report.
Phani Motamarri, Vikram Gavini, and Thomas Blesgen.
Tucker-tensor algorithm for large-scale Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations.
Phys. Rev. B 93.12 (2016), 125104.
Ivan Oseledets and Eugene Tyrtyshnikov.
TT-cross approximation for multidimensional arrays.
Linear Algebra Appl. 432.1 (2010), 70-88.
Maxim Rakhuba and Ivan Oseledets.
Fast multidimensional convolution in low-rank tensor formats via cross approximation.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37.2 (2015), A565-A582.
arXiv Report.
Anthony Nouy.
Higher-order principal component analysis for the approximation of tensors in tree-based low rank formats.
Technical report arXiv:1705.00880.
Thomas Boiveau, Virginie Ehrlacher, Alexandre Ern and Anthony Nouy.
Low-rank approximation of linear parabolic equations by space-time tensor Galerkin methods.
Technical report arXiv:1712.07256.
Ivan Oseledets.
Tensor-Train Decomposition.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 33 (2011), no. 5, 2295–2317.