Quasimorphisms and Symplectic Geometry Autumn 2021

Professor Paul Biran
Patricia Dietzsch, Valentin Bosshard
Mi 10-12 CHN D 48
Course Catalogue
Detailed overview of the topics
How to prepare a talk for the seminar


Each student gives two talks, one in the first half, and one in the second half of the semester. On Fridays, the student giving the talk on the following Wednesday should discuss her/his first draft of the talk with Patricia or Valentin. A short summary of the main definitions and statements should be typed into the common overleaf project by the day of the talk. The topics in brackets (...) are not yet fixed and will be confirmed in the first weeks, depending on the interest of the group.




22. September 2021

Introduction and distribution of the talks

Valentin, Patricia

6. October 2021

Introduction to Quasimorphisms

Jonathan, Julian

13. October 2021

The Homeomorphism group of the circle

Yilin, Reto

20. October 2021

Rotation and translation numbers

Moritz, Arthur

27. October 2021

A quasimorphism on the automorphism group of the disc

Jiahui, Konstantin

3. November 2021

Quasimorphisms on the automorphism groups of closed oriented surfaces

Lukas, Adrian

10. November 2021

Introduction to symplectic geometry and the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

Huaitao, Patrik

17. November 2021

The Flux homomorphism

Yilin, Patrik

24. November 2021

The Calabi homomorphism and Calabi quasimorphisms

Moritz, Arthur

1. December 2021

Calabi quasimorphisms on \(\mathrm{Ham}(T^2)\)

Huaitao, Lukas

8. December 2021

Calabi quasimorphisms on \(\mathrm{Ham}(\Sigma_g), g\geq 2\)

Jiahui, Konstantin

15. December 2021

A Calabi quasimorphism on \(\mathrm{Ham}(S^2)\)

Adrian, Reto

22. December 2021

Construction of the real numbers by quasimorphisms

Jonathan, Julian