Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus Spring 2022

Prof. Dr. Martin Schweizer
David Martins

This course gives an introduction to Brownian motion and stochastic calculus. The following topics are planned:


Familiarity with measure-theoretic probability as in the standard D-MATH course Probability Theory will be assumed. Textbook accounts can be found for example in

The first lecture takes place on Tuesday, February 22. Lectures and classes will not take place during Easter week from Friday, April 15 until Sunday, April 24.

Teaching is currently planned to take place in person, although this may change at any point depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the measures taken by ETH Zürich.


Lecture timeRoom
Tue 08-10HG E 3
Thu 08-10HG E 3

Lecture notes

Lecture notes (that will be fairly closely followed during the lectures) as well as auxiliary notes on Probability Theory are available here. The lecture notes will be updated and extended throughout the semester. The required password will be distributed to the students enrolled in the course via email.

Note that the lecture notes are protected by copyright, and their dissemination in any form is strictly prohibited.

The first exercise class takes place on Friday, February 25. Lectures and classes will not take place during Easter week from Friday, April 15 until Sunday, April 24.

Teaching is currently planned to take place in person, although this may change at any point depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the measures taken by ETH Zürich. Classes will be conducted in English.


Fri 08-09HG G 26.5David Martins
Fri 09-10HG G 26.5Marco Rodrigues
Fri 12-13HG G 26.3Emir Nairi

Exercise sheets

Solutions should be submitted to your assistant's folder in the box dedicated to this course, next to HG G 53.2. The deadline is 2pm on Wednesday before the class in order to guarantee that they are marked in time. The marked exercise sheets will be returned in the next class or otherwise returned to the box for collection.

Alternatively, you can submit your scanned solutions online using SAMup. Please submit the solution to each sheet as a single pdf file. The correction will also be uploaded via SAMup.

New exercise sheets will be uploaded here on Tuesday before the corresponding Friday exercise class, along with a model solution to the exercise sheet from the previous week. Submitting solutions is not mandatory, but attempting to solve the sheets is very helpful with practicing the contents of the course and preparing for the exam.

Note that the exam questions will use all the material from the lecture as well as from the exercises.

Exercise sheet Due by Solutions
Exercise sheet 0 - Solutions 0
Exercise sheet 1 March 2 Solutions 1
Exercise sheet 2 March 9 Solutions 2
Exercise sheet 3 March 16 Solutions 3
Exercise sheet 4 March 23 Solutions 4
Exercise sheet 5 March 30 Solutions 5
Exercise sheet 6 April 6 Solutions 6
Exercise sheet 7 April 13 Solutions 7
Exercise sheet 8 April 27 Solutions 8
Exercise sheet 9 May 4 Solutions 9
Exercise sheet 10 May 11 Solutions 10
Exercise sheet 11 May 18 Solutions 11
Exercise sheet 12 May 25 Solutions 12
Exercise sheet 13 June 1 Solutions 13

Präsenz sessions (office hours) with assistants from group 3 are available on Mondays and Thursdays starting from the fourth week of the semester. More information here.

The exam will be in person, oral and closed book. Each candidate will receive a question and have 20 minutes to prepare for the exam in room HG G 47.1. The preparation is also closed book, and the question studied by the candidate will then be the starting question in the exam, which lasts for 20 minutes and takes place in HG G 51.2. Exam dates are August 23, 24, 26.

Students should bring for the exam an identification document and some paper to write on during their preparation time. No other aids are allowed, and mobile phones must be put away during the preparation time. Also, to anticipate a potential question — there is no available list of the possible questions. The material for the exam comprises all the material covered in the lecture notes (with the exception of the Levy-Ciesielski construction of Brownian motion) and all the material covered in the exercise sheets. Students are expected to have a good overview of the material, understanding both the ideas and the proofs for results.

Office hours/Q&A Sessions

Präsenz sessions (office hours) with assistants from group 3 will be available on the last two weeks before the exam session. More information here.


Students are welcome to sign up and participate in the forum for any questions and discussions related to the course.