Proofs from THE BOOK Autumn 2023

Peter Feller
Martina Jørgensen


A seminar based on 'Proofs from the BOOK', a collection of beautiful arguments curated by Aigner and Ziegler inspired by an idea of Erdös.
Before you start preparing your talk, please have a look at the following guidelines.

Topics and speakers

The seminar takes place on Thursdays from 16:15 to 18:00 in ML F 39

date topic assigned student
21.09.23 Introduction by Feller
28.09.23 The Borromean rings don't exist (15)
Communicating without errors (42)
Vladimir Nowak
Matthias Bonvin
05.10.23 Cotangent and the Herglotz trick (26)
The chromatic number of Kneser graphs (43)
Fabienne Gössi
Daniel Hostettler
12.10.23 Six proofs on the infinity of primes (1)
The spectral theorem and Hadamard’s determinant problem (7)
Leon Dahlmeier
Loïc Dobler
19.10.23 Representing numbers as sums of two squares (4)
In praise of inequalities (20)
Lukas Hartmann
Luana Jost
26.10.23 Hilbert’s third problem: decomposing polyhedra (10)
One square and an odd number of triangles (22)
Maciej Smela
Caroline Braun
02.11.23 Of friends and politicians (44)
Tiling rectangles (29)
Naomi Rosenberg
Fiona Binder
09.11.23 Every finite division ring is a field (6)
Lattice paths and determinants (32)
Jannik Kochert
Harshul Khanna
16.11.23 Cauchy’s rigidity theorem (14)
Cayley’s formula for the number of trees (33)
Yitong Li
Loris Giger
23.11.23 Four times \(\frac{\pi^2}{6}\) (9)
Five-coloring plane graphs (39)
Melissa Daniele
Laura Stratil
30.11.23 The finite Kakeya problem (35)
Borsuk’s conjecture (18)
Lukas Hoffer
Maria Morariu
07.12.23 How to Guard a Museum (40)
Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy (45)
Maximilian Weigel
Jiachen Xue
14.12.23 Some irrational numbers (8)
Three applications of Euler’s formula (13)
Jonathan Reichart
Eva Lia Tarquini