Topics in Mathematical Finance Spring 2024

Prof. Dr. Martin Schweizer
Benjamin Kotlov
Time and Location
Thursdays 14:00-16:00 in HG E33.3
First meeting date
February 22


The core of the seminar is the paper "A compactness principle for bounded sequences of martingales with applications" by F. Delbaen and W. Schachermayer. The goal is to go through that paper in detail and understand and present its results, in the form of a reading group with a presentation each week. One highlight is an application which gives a proof of the optional decomposition theorem in full generality, for general (not locally bounded) semimartingales.


Participating students are expected to have good foundations in stochastic calculus and mathematical finance, at the level of the course "Mathematical Finance" taught at ETHZ in HS 23.

Rules and conditions

To obtain the credit points, you must give a 90-minute talk as well as regularly attend the seminar. The talks will be assigned during the first meeting on February 22.

The coordinator will hold a weekly office hour to answer questions.

Office hours

Mondays at 13:00 in HG G32.6.

List of Talks

The list of talks is as follows. Details regarding what part of the paper each talk is expected to cover can be found in the email sent by the professor.

Talk Date Presenter
Talk 1 March 21 Benjamin Kotlov
Talk 2 March 28 Hiroaki Horikawa
Talk 3 April 11 Patrick Edera
Talk 4 April 25 Andreas Stavropoulos
Talk 5 May 2 Jonas Gebele
Talk 6 May 16 Orlando Monsalve Rueda
Talk 7 May 23 Qingyang Zhu


F. Delbaen and W. Schachermayer (1999), A compactness principle for bounded sequences of martingales with applications, in: R. C. Dalang, M. Dozzi and F. Russo (eds.), Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications, Progress in Probability 45, Birkhäuser, pp. 137-173