Funktionentheorie/Complex Analysis Autumn 2024

$$f(z)=\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{\gamma}\frac{f(w)}{w-z}\,dw$$
Özlem Imamoglu
Riccardo Plati
Tuesdays, 10 to 12, in HG F 7.
Wednesdays, 8 to 9 in ML D 28.


Introduction to Complex Analysis and its applications. Here's the official Course Catalogue page.

Summary of the lectures

Streaming under password protection will be available HERE.
17.09.24, 18.09.24 Introduction, examples, holomorphicity, properties of holomorphic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations. N 1, N 2
24.09.24, 25.09.24 Power Series, line integrals. N 3, N 4 Paper
01.10.24, 02.10.24 Goursat and Cauchy Theorems. N 5, N 6


Upload your solutions before the corresponding deadline using the SAM-up tool. Only the exercises marked with a star will be graded and are eligible (in case of significant work on them) for bonus points.

Problems Set Solutions Due Date (2:00 PM) Comments
Serie 1 Solutions 1 27.09.24 Corrected typo in 1.6 (b)
Serie 2 Solutions 2 4.10.24
Serie 3 11.10.24

Exercise classes

Tu 14-16ETZ G 91S. Hartung
Tu 14-16GLC E 24C. Tulej
Tu 14-16HG E 33.1S. Huber
Tu 14-16LEE D 101K. Leuppi
Tu 14-16LEE D 105 (ENG)I. Quarch
Tu 14-16LFW C 11 (ENG)R. Celori
Tu 14-16ML F 38 (ENG)E. Quistad
Tu 14-16ML J 34.3 (ENG)V. Hoffmann
Tu 14-16NO C 6S. de Meyer
