Functional Analysis I Autumn 2024

Prof. Dr. Marc Burger
Vikram Giri
Monday, 10 - 12, HG D 1.1
Thurdsay, 14 - 16, HG G 5


This course is an introduction to functional analysis.

If you have any questions on the materials, the exercises and/or the solutions, please email the lecturer or coordinator.

Please note that the first lecture takes place on the 19. September. You can find the recordings of the lectures at this link.

A student has voluntarily written lectures notes for this course. You can download them here. Any additional notes and examples will be added below as the semester progresses.

Additional notes
Basics of Hilbert spaces
Isometries of l^p spaces
Application to Bochner's theorem
Open mapping theorem and consequences, Grothendieck's theorem
On Amenability
Fourier analysis on Euclidean space
Convolution, weak derivatives, and the Sobolev embedding theorem
Summary of Functional Analysis I


The new exercises will be posted here on Thursdays. We hope that you look at the problems over the weekend and prepare some questions for the exercise class on Monday.

Please hand in your solutions on the second Monday until midnight after on the SAMup. This will guarantee that your assistant corrects your submission.

Some of the exercises are marked with a *. These exercises are not part of the curriculum and are meant as a challenge.

exercise sheet solutions
Exercise sheet 1 Solution pg.1, Solution pg.2
Exercise sheet 2 Solution pg.1, Solution pg.2
Exercise sheet 3 Solutions
Exercise sheet 4 Solutions
Exercise sheet 5 Solutions
Exercise sheet 6 Solutions
Exercise sheet 7 Solutions
Exercise sheet 8 Solution, Solutions
Exercise sheet 9
Exercise sheet 10
Exercise sheet 11
Exercise sheet 12
Exercise sheet 13

Exercise classes

The exercise classes take place on Monday from 9 - 10. Please register for one of the exercise classes in MyStudies at the beginning of the semester. Please note that the exercise classes start only from the second week of the semester.

HG G 26.1S. Bertolini
HG G 26.5S. Decio
ML J 34.1M. Jobard-Hoffmann
ML F 40P. Hadré
