Probability Theory Autumn 2024

Vincent Tassion
Ritvik Radhakrishnan
Course Catalogue


  1. Fundamental results: law of large numbers, different notions of convergences for random variables, characteristic functions, convergence in law, central limit theorem.
  2. Martingales: conditional expectation, almost sure convergence, optional stopping theorem.


There are two lectures per week: Wednesday, 12:15 to 14:00 at ML H44 and Friday, 10:15 to 12:00 at CAB G11 .

Lecture notes

Lecture recordings

You can find the recordings here . The username and password were sent by email.


We strongly encourage you to hand in written solutions. This can be done electronically following the instructions below.

  1. Make sure you're registered for one of the problem classes in myStudies.
  2. Scan your solution into a single PDF file.
  3. Name the created file as {email address}_{exercise sheet number}.pdf (e.g. andrey.kolmogorov@probability.com_1.pdf).
  4. Upload your solution using the link in the table below (please submit to the problem class you registered for) before 18:00 on the indicated Friday.

Late submissions will not be considered. In case you submit your solution early and then decide to change something and submit again, we will only consider the most recent submission.

Note that only exercises marked with [R] (which stands for recommended) will be corrected.

Exercise sheets

Exercise sheets due by Solutions
Exercise sheet 1 18:00, September 27 Solutions
Exercise sheet 2 18:00, October 4 Solutions
Exercise sheet 3 18:00, October 11 Solutions
Exercise sheet 4 18:00, October 18 Solutions
Exercise sheet 5 18:00, October 25 Solutions
Exercise sheet 6 18:00, November 2 Solutions
Exercise sheet 7 18:00, November 8 Solutions
Exercise sheet 8 18:00, November 16 Solutions
Exercise sheet 9 18:00, November 22 Solutions
Exercise sheet 10 18:00, November 29 Solutions
Exercise sheet 11 18:00, December 6 Solutions
Exercise sheet 12 18:00, December 13 Solutions
Exercise sheet 13 18:00, December 20 Solutions
All exercises All solutions

Exercise classes

Exercises classes start from the second week of the semester.

time room assistant submit solution
Tu 14-15 ML F 34 Ritvik Radhakrishnan submit solution
Tu 14-15 ML H 41.1 Laury Verhoeven submit solution
Tu 15-16 ML H 41.1 Nicolas Hotton submit solution

Exam information

  1. Information sheet
  2. Past exams: Probability theory HS 23, Probability theory FS 24, WuS FS 24


Note: If you spot any typos or mistakes, please email