Advanced Numerical Methods for CSE Autumn 2024

Stefan Kurz
Wouter Tonnon

General Information

The lectures for this course will take place on Fridays from 10:15 to 12:00 and from 14:15-16:00 in HG G19.2. The tutorials take place on Wednesdays from 08:15 to 10:00 or on Thursdays from 08:15-10:00. On Discuna you can ask questions to your tutors regarding the theory and exercises. You can also reach the organisers of the course to give feedback, ask questions, or make suggestions. The main reference for the first part of the course (Boundary Element Methods) will be the lecture notes. A secondary reference are these lecture notes. They cover the same material, but for a target audience of engineers. Recordings of the lecture are available at The following folder contains additional (handwritten) notes: Notes.


Boundary Element Methods
Lecture Date Lecture Slides/Notes Topic
20/09/2024 Introduction Introduction
Typical Problems Typical Problems
27/09/2024 Lecture 2 Aftermath
BEM in a Nutshell
BEM in a nutshell
Potential problems I Potential problems - derivation of boundary integral equations
04/10/2024 Recap last week
Potential Problems II
Potential Problems III
11/10/2024 Recap Notes
Potential Problems IV
Potential problems - lowest order discretization of boundary integral equations
Potential Problems IV
18/10/2024 Potential Problems IV
Numerical Experiments Numerical Experiments
25/10/2024 Potential Problems V Extensions
Potential Problems V
01/11/2024 Acoustic wave propagation - Helmholtz Equation Acoustic wave propagation - Helmholtz equation
Acoustic wave propagation - Helmholtz Equation
08/11/2024 Electromagnetic wave propagation - Maxwell's equation Electromagnetic wave propagation - Maxwell's equation
Electromagnetic wave propagation - Maxwell's equation
Hierarchical Matrices
Lecture Date Lecture Slides Topic
15/11/2024 H-Matrices I H-Matrices I
H-Matrices I H-Matrices I
22/11/2024 H-Matrices II H-Matrices II
H-Matrices II H-Matrices II
29/11/2024 H-Matrices III H-Matrices III
H-Matrices III H-Matrices III
Hybrid Modeling
Lecture Date Lecture Slides Topic
06/12/2024 Hybrid Modeling I Hybrid Modeling I
Hybrid Modeling I Hybrid Modeling I
13/12/2024 Hybrid Modeling II Hybrid Modeling II
Hybrid Modeling II Hybrid Modeling II
20/12/2024 Hybrid Modeling III Hybrid Modeling III
Hybrid Modeling III Hybrid Modeling III

Problem Sets

Every lecture will be accompanied by a set of exercises. These exercises are divided into two groups

Associated Lecture ANCSE Problems TUD Problems
20/09/2024 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
27/09/2024 1.4, 1.5
04/10/2024 1.7, 1.8
11/10/2024 1.9
18/10/2024 1.11
25/10/2024 1.10
01/11/2024 1.14 (the references refer to the old lecture document)
Homework Coding Projects (H)
Project Description Due date
Homework Coding Project 1 October, 18th, 2024
Homework Coding Project 2
The supplemental material by Matthias Maischak can be found in the section 'Literature' of this website.
November, 15th, 2024
Homework Coding Project 3 December, 6th, 2024
Homework Coding Project 4 January, 10th, 2025


time room assistant Files
We 08-10 HG F 26.5 Michael Klein files
Th 08-10 HG G 26.1 Carla López Zurita files

The code base

The code can be found here. We will mainly work with the master branch.


Boundary Element Methods
Hierarchical Matrices
Hybrid Modeling