Advanced Numerical Methods for CSE Autumn 2024

Stefan Kurz


\( \KaTeX \)

You can use \( \KaTeX \) to typeset formulas inline \( e^{2\pi\cdot\sqrt{-1}} \) by typing \( e^{2\pi\cdot\sqrt{-1}} \) or as a displayed equation $$\int_{\mathbb R} e^{-x^2}$$ by typing $$\int_{\mathbb R} e^{-x^2}$$ in the HTML.

The amount of \( \LaTeX \) implemented by \( \KaTeX \) is documented here.


We use Bootstrap to help in the typesetting, especially the device independent (Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile) typesetting, of HTML.

Bootstrap's icons are included as well.


Algebra I: the first two chapters of this lecture summary (in German) or a similar introduction to the basic concepts of ring theory.

Lecture Summaries


The new exercises will be posted here on Fridays. We expect you to look at the problems over the weekend and to prepare questions for the exercise class on Monday.

Please hand in your solutions by the following Friday at 12:00 in your assistant's box in HG J68. Your solutions will usually be corrected and returned in the following exercise class or, if not collected, returned to the box in HG J68.

exercise sheet due by solutions
Exercise sheet 1 September 30 Solutions 1
Exercise sheet 2 October 7


SAMup is an online submission tool that you can use but do not have to. Information about this tool and its use can be found in this README.

If you have decided to use it, an editorial integration of SAMup into this page could look like this:

Extend the above table of exercise sheets by the column `upload link' with a link to for sheet 1, for sheet 2 and so on.

exercise sheet due by upload link solutions
Exercise sheet 1 September 30 Submission Solutions 1
Exercise sheet 2 October 7 Submission

Exercise classes

We 08-10HG F 26.5
Th 08-10HG G 26.1
