Analysis IV (Fourier Theory and Hilbert Spaces)

Spring Semester 2025, D-MATH

Francesca Da Lio
Thomas Stucker


This course will cover the following topics

You can find more information about the course in the Course Catalogue.


Day Time Room
Thursday 13:15-14:00 HG E 1.2
Friday 10:15-12:00 HG G 3

The first lecture will take place on Thursday February 20.

The diary of the lectures and the class notes are available HERE.

In some of the lectures the EduApp will be used. Please install it here: EduApp.


A new exercise sheet will be posted here each Friday starting February 21. The exercises will be related to topics covered in the lectures that week. We encourage you to look at the problems and prepare questions for the exercise class on Wednesday. The deadline for handing in the problem set is at the beginning of the exercise class the following Wednesday. After the exercise class solutions will be posted here.

Starting from Problem Set 1, you will find a bonus exercise in every Problem Set. Typically, it will be an exam-level multiple choice question. Based on the number of correctly solved bonus exercises, you can earn a grade bonus of up to 0.125 (to cumulate with your grade bonus from Analysis III) for your final grade.

Exercises marked with a ♣ sign are for the bonus; exercises marked with a ★ sign are more challenging.

Things to keep in mind:

Problem set Due by Upload link Solutions
Problem Set 1 Wed 05.03. Submit Solutions 1
Problem Set 2 Wed 12.03. Submit
Problem Set 3 Wed 19.03. Submit

Exercise Classes

The first exercise class will take place on Wednesday February 26.

You can enroll for an exercise class on myStudies.

Wed 10-12HG E 33.5Niklas CanovaGerman or English
Wed 10-12LEE D 105Nicolas TrieboldGerman or English
Wed 10-12ML F 40Lluis Marill FarréGerman or English
Wed 10-12ML J 34.1Mikhail ZaytsevEnglish
Wed 12-14ML F 40Peter ZimmermannGerman

Exam Preparation

2Mock exam (Autumn Semester 2023) Download, with solutions here
3Written exam (Summer Session 2023)Download
4Written exam (Summer Session 2024)Download

Recommended Literature