Functional Analysis II Spring 2025

Tristan Rivière
Gerard Orriols


Some Fundamental Tools for PDE, Harmonic Analysis and Function Space Theory

You can find an overview of the topics that will be covered in the course on the course catalogue.

The first chapters of the script will be available here at some point before the Easter break.


Lecture Summaries

The proof of each of the statements below is part of the program for the examination.

Week Summary
Week 1 (17.02 and 20.02) Introduction to the course: The main goals from FA2.
1.1. The Fourier transforms of \(L^1\) functions.
Theorem 1.1 the Fourier transform is mapping \(L^1\) functions into continuous functions converging to zero at infinity.
Theorem 1.4: identification of the inverse Fourier transform.
Proposition 1.5: Plancherel theorem. The Fourier Transform defines a linear isometry from \(L^2({\R}^n)\) into itself.
Definition 1.6 of the Schwartz Space. The Schwartz Space is stable under multiplication by polynomials and under the action of partial differentiations (Proposition 1.7).
The Fourier Transform is an isomorphism from the Scwartz Space into itself (Proposition 1.9).
Definition 1.12 of a pseudo norm.
Definition 1.13 of a Fréchet Space.
Examples of Fréchet Spaces (\(L^p_{loc}({\R}^n)\), \(C^\infty_0(K)\) where \(K\) is compact, \(C^\infty({\R}^n)\), \({\mathcal S}({\R}^n))\). \(C^\infty_0({\R}^n)\) doesn't define a Fréchet space.
Characterization of the convergence in a Fréchet space by the mean of the pseudo norms.
Each pseudonorm is continuous (proposition 1.15).
Characterisation of the continuity for linear maps between Fréchet Spaces (proposition 1.16).
Banach Steinhaus Theorem for Fréchet Spaces (theorem 1.17).
Definition of a Tempered distribution (definition 1.18).
Characterization of a tempered distribution (proposition 1.19).
Examples and counterexamples of tempered distributions: \(L^p\) functions, \(t\mapsto e^t\) is not a tempered distribution, \(1/|t|\) doesn't define a tempered distribution, definition of the principal value of \(1/t\) denoted \(pv(1/t)\) and proof that it defines a tempered distribution.
Week 2 (24.02 and 27.02) The space of slowly growing functions \(G({\R}^n)\) (definition 1.23). The continuity of the multiplication by elements of \(G({\R}^n)\) from \({\mathcal S}({\R}^n)\) into itself (proposition 1.24). Definition of the tempered distribution obtained by multiplying an arbitrary element of \({\mathcal S}'({\R}^n)\) by an element of \(G({\R}^n)\) (proposition 1.25).
The weak convergence of sequences of distributions (definition 1.26). The weak convergence in \(L^p\) is an example of weak convergence in \({\mathcal S}'({\R}^n)\). Example of approximations of the Dirac mass.
The derivative of a tempered distribution (proposition 1.27). Examples of derivatives: \(H'=\delta_0\), \((\log|x|)'=pv(1/x)\).
Definition of the support of a tempered distribution (proposition 1.28). Existence of a partition of unity for any compact set (Lemma 1.29 and Lemma 1.30). The space \({\mathcal E}'({\R}^n)\) of compactly supported distributions. Examples of compactly supported distributions. The duality extension from \({\mathcal E}'({\R}^n)-{\mathcal S}({\R}^n)\) to \({\mathcal E}'({\R}^n)-C^\infty({\R}^n)\) (Proposition 1.32).
The action of a distribution \(T\) of order \(p\) on a Schwartz function whose derivatives up to order \(p\) on the support of \(T\) vanish is zero (proposition 1.33).
The Fourier transform of a tempered distribution (definition-proposition 1.34). Examples of explicit computations of Fourier transforms: \({\mathcal F}(\delta_a)\), \({\mathcal F}(\partial^\alpha \delta_a)\), \({\mathcal F}(x^\alpha)\), \({\mathcal F}(pv(1/t))\).
The explicit form of the Fourier transform of a compactly supported distribution using the duality extension \({\mathcal E}'({\R}^n)-C^\infty({\R}^n)\) (theorem 1.37). Derivation inside the duality \({\mathcal E}'({\R}^n)-{\mathcal S}({\R}^n)\) for families of Schwartz functions depending smoothly on a parameter in \({\R}^n\) (Lemma 1.38).
Week 3 (03.03 and 06.03) The characterization of tempered distributions supported at a point (Schwartz Lemma: Proposition 1.39). Harmonic tempered distributions are polynomials (Theorem 1.41).
The continuity of the convolution with a Schwartz function on \({\mathcal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\) (proposition 1.43). Convolution of a tempered distribution with a Schwartz function. The convolution between a compactly supported distribution and a Schwartz function is again a Schwartz function and the operation is continuous between \({\mathcal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\) and itself. The convolution between a compactly supported tempered distribution and a compactly supported \(C^\infty\) function is again an element of \(C^\infty_0({\mathbb R}^n)\), moreover the support of this convolution is included in the sum of the supports of the element in \({\mathcal E}'({\mathbb R}^n)\) and the initial compactly supported \(C^\infty\) function (proposition 1.44). An expression of the convolution between a tempered distribution and a Schwartz function using convolution in \({\mathcal S}({\mathbb R}^n)\) (proposition 1.45).
Every tempered distribution is the limit (in the sense of \({\mathcal S}'({\R}^n)\)) of tempered distributions which have \(C^\infty\) representatives (corollary 1.46).
The convolution between a compactly supported tempered distribution and an arbitrary tempered distribution. The commutativity of the convolution operation in \({\mathcal E}'({\mathbb R}^n)\times {\mathcal S}'({\mathbb R}^n)\) . The support of the convolution between two elements in \({\mathcal E}'({\mathbb R}^n)\) is included in the sum of the supports of these two elements in \({\mathcal E}'({\mathbb R}^n)\) (Proposition 1.51). Associativity for convolutions does not hold in general: A counter-example (remark 1.52). Associativity holds between three distributions if two of them are compactly supported (theorem 1.53).
Definition of a convolution equation (definition 1.55). The formulation of arbitrary linear PDE with constant coefficients as a convolution equation. The definition of a fundamental solution to a convolution equation (Definition 1.56). The use of a fundamental solution to express a general solution to a convolution equation (theorem 1.57).


The new exercise lists will be posted here on Fridays. We expect you to look at the problems over the weekend and to prepare questions for the exercise class on Monday.

Exercises marked with a ♣ sign are important and we encourage you to solve them.

Exercises marked with a ★ sign, as well as their solutions, are part of the program for the examination.

Exercise sheet Due by Upload link Solutions
Serie 1 Fri 28.02. Submit Serie 1 Solution
Serie 2 Fri 07.03. Submit Serie 2 Solution
Serie 3 Fri 14.03. Submit Serie 3

Exercise classes

Mo 09-10HG E 33.3Alberto PacatiEnglish
Mo 09-10HG F 26.5Anthony SalibEnglish
