Ising Model Autumn 2021

Vincent Tassion
Barbara Dembin


In this course we will provide a general introduction to the Ising model on finite graphs and on the hypercubic lattice \(\mathbf Z^d\) (main properties, standard mathematical tools).

Outline of the course:


The lecture takes place in room HG D 1.2 and is given on the blackboard. The live stream (slides + sound, but no blackboard) can be accessed here .

Two exercise classes are scheduled for October 27, December 15 (replacing the regular lecture).

Office hours will take place in HG E65-2, each Monday, from 4pm to 6pm.

Lecture Notes

The lecture notes for the first part of the class are available below.

From November 3, the manuscript lecture notes can be found below

Exercise sheets

Every week, a new exercise sheet is uploaded here. Exercises that are marked with a star (*) can be handed in for correction (usually one per sheet). You can send them by email to or hand in before the lecture.
