Introduction to differential geometry and differential topology. Contents: Curves, (hyper-)surfaces in \(\mathbb R^n\), geodesics, curvature, Theorema Egregium, Theorem of Gauss-Bonnet. Hyperbolic space. Differentiable manifolds, immersions and embeddings, Sard's Theorem, mapping degree and intersection number, vector bundles, vector fields and flows, differential forms, Stokes' Theorem.
Week | Date | Topics |
1 | 19.09 | Arc length and reparametrization of curves, Frenet curves and curvatures, Frenet equations. |
2 | 23.09 | The fundamental theorem of local curve theory, rotation index, Hopf Umlaufsatz and total curvature of plane curves. |
26.09 | Fenchel-Borsuk theorem and statement of Fáry-Milnor theorem. Submanifolds and immersions. Regular value theorem and statement of immersion theorem. | |
3 | 30.09 | Proof of immersion theorem, local parametrizations and parameter transformation. Tangent space, normal space, differentiability and differential of maps on submanifolds. Orientability and a proposition on orientable hypersurfaces. |
03.10 | Differentiable Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem, statement of Schönflies theorem. First fundamental form of submanifolds and immersions, examples. | |
4 | 07.10 | Area of graphs, isometries, Christoffel symbols, covariant derivative and parallel vector field. |
10.10 | Existence of parallel vector fields, parallel transport on \(S^2\). Geodesics, Clairaut's relation, first variation of arc length. | |
5 | 14.10 | Shape operator and second fundamental form. Normal curvature, principal curvatures and examples. |
17.10 | Umbilical points, Gauss curvature and mean curvature. Integrability conditions and Gauss's theorema egregium. | |
6 | 21.10 | \(g\) and \(h\) determine \(f\), statement of Bonnet's fundamental theorem of local surface theory. Geodesic parallel coordinates, Fermi coordinates and an existence result. |
24.10 | Surfaces with constant Gauss curvature, ruled surfaces, examples and rulings in flat surfaces. | |
7 | 28.10 | Minimal surfaces, first variation of area, isothermal minimal surfaces and Alexandrov-Hopf theorem. |
31.10 | Geodesic curvature of curves in surfaces, local version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Gauss' theorema elegantissimum. | |
8 | 04.11 | Global version of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, the Poincaré index theorem. |
07.11 | Minkowski space, the hyperboloid model of hyperbolic \(m\)-space, isometries and geodesics. | |
9 | 11.11 | Beltrami-Klein model, Poincaré disk model and halfspace model of \(H^m\). Hilbert's theorem with a sketch of proof, and the statement of Nash-Kuiper theorem. |
14.11 | Differential topology: differentiable manifolds, smooth structures, differentiable maps and tangent spaces. | |
10 | 18.11 | Tangent bundle, differential and partition of unity. Equivalent definitions of submanifolds, regular value theorem. |
21.11 | Embeddability of compact manilfolds into \(\mathbb R^n\). Tangent vectors as derivations. Sets of measure zero, statement of Sard's Theorem. | |
11 | 25.11 | Halfspace, manifolds with boundary, regular value theorem for manifolds with boundary, no retraction theorem and Brouwer fixed point theorem. |
28.11 | Smooth homotopies and isotopies, mapping degree mod \(2\), homotopy invariance, mapping degree, hairy ball theorem and statement of Hopf's theorem. | |
12 | 02.12 | Transverse maps and a generalization of regular value theorem. Parametric transversality theorem, existence of homotopy to a transverse map, intersection number modulo 2. |
05.12 | Vector bundles, bundle maps and isomorphisms, sections, criterion for triviality, transition maps, structure group. | |
13 | 09.12 | Cotangent bundle, pull-back bundle, Whitney sum, tensor bundles, tensor fields. Flow of vector fields, Lie brackets. |
12.12 | Lie derivative of vector fields, differential forms, exterior product, exterior derivative. | |
14 | 16.12 | A coordinate-free expression for the exterior derivative and pull-back forms. Measurable decomposition, integrability and integration of forms. |
19.12 | Stokes' theorem, volume form and integration without orientation. |
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Exercise Sheet | Due By | Upload Link | Solutions |
Exercise sheet 1 | September 30, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 1 | Solution 1 |
Exercise sheet 2 | October 7, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 2 | Solution 2 |
Exercise sheet 3 | October 14, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 3 | Solution 3 |
Exercise sheet 4 | October 21, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 4 | Solution 4 |
Exercise sheet 5 | October 28, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 5 | Solution 5 |
Exercise sheet 6 | November 4, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 6 | Solution 6 |
Exercise sheet 7 | November 11, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 7 | Solution 7 |
Exercise sheet 8 | November 18, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 8 | Solution 8 |
Exercise sheet 9 | November 25, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 9 | Solution 9 |
Exercise sheet 10 | December 2, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 10 | Solution 10 |
Exercise sheet 11 | December 9, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 11 | Solution 11 |
Exercise sheet 12 | December 16, 12:15 | Upload Sheet 12 | Solution 12 |
Exercise sheet 13 | - | - | Solution 13 |
Time | Room | Assistant | Language |
Th 13:15-14:00 | HG E 22 | Asaf Amitai | en |
Th 16:15-17:00 | IFW C 33 | Asaf Amitai | en |
Fr 12:15-13:00 | HG E 21 | Dorian Martino | en |
Fr 13:15-14:00 | HG E 21 | Dorian Martino | en |